Meet Tikuah
(click on his name to show his pedigree at the World Wide Pedigree Database, you will see Tikuah's Working and Titled Dog pedigree that goes all the way back to the 1800's when the GSD Breed Began)

This boy is, well as becoming a Bicycle Buddy, Backpacking Dog, Learning a few more Tricks, Agility and perhaps a Frisbie Dog, Tikuah is our Sire here at Von Kazmaier Kennel. We searched for a dog with a good build, correct genes, and from a Working Pedigree.
Tikuah, pronounced, <TYE-coo-ah>. Funny thing. I keep a list of Biblical T Names that I like and that I might one day use for dogs we are giving names to. I also note, with the names I keep a list of, where the names are found, verse and chapter in the Bible.
I wanted a name for this pup, that started with TY or TI, like, Titus, Tychicus do... and Deron and I really liked the name Tikuah, thought it was quite different. So I looked up the chapter and verse.....not there. I am dyslexic so I looked at what might make, nothing. So I got out the concordance... no word or name 'Tikuah' found. We had a good laugh... I even looked at letter changes within the name to find it, NOTHING EVEN NEAR IT IN VERSES NEAR OR FAR. But. We liked the name. And it is a bit like Tekoa, only different. So he is and will be known as Tikuah.
When the/a Kennel Name is in front of the dog's name, that is the Kennel that purchased the dog. When the Kennel Name is at the end of the Name, that is the Kennel that Bred the dog. Von Kazmaier Kennel purchased Tikuah.
Der = means, The, in the German Language Aufseher, is the German Word for Overseer.

When we were looking/serching for our next Sire here at Von Kazmaier Kennel, we wanted a dog that we could work, AND one that was bred to the Standard for the Breed. He had to have a good Working Line Pedigree AND one that would become our Work and Play Companion.
I worked on finding this dog for weeks. I poured over pedigrees. I talked to breeders, some good, some horrid!
If you click on Tikuah's name at the top, it will take you to the Pedigree Database where you can follow his WORKING AND TITLED DOG PEDIGREE ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE 1800'S WHEN THE BREED BEGAN!
I had narrowed it down to two Breeders. One I liked the other that I found that left out a lot of details until I asked....and he pressed for a when I decided on 'the one'....I slept on it and thought it out well.
Sable was NOT the color I was looking for, but the dog wearing the Sable Coat SURE WAS!
Scroll down to see many photos of Tikuah working and playing. We try to continue to add photos and information about our dogs on their pages through the years.
Tikuah whelped (was Born) 2017-09-11 to: Working/Schutzhund Dogs, Mikanne Krokett Von Dak x Ivy Vom Haus Braun Seen in these photos. Lovely Parent!

This beautiful dog is Tikuah's Grand Dam. That is, Granddam/Grandmother on his Bottom Side, that is Dam's/Mother's side of the breeding or, his mother's mother. She is quite the Big Deal Dog. SHE IS, HOWEVER, NOT THE ONLY BIG DEAL DOG IN TIKUAH'S PEDIGREE. All this information was taken from the Pedigree Data Site. All information there is verifiable. ISN'T SHE LOVELY!
SG Yucci Vikar SIEGER CZECH REPUBLIC 2011, IPO3 Kkl 2 Dam born: 26. December 2005
The Siger GSD Show is NOT your typical Dog Show. It is Once Per Year, 3 day event, with many times over 2500 dogs. Dogs shown MUST have the Proper and Correct Breeding to the Standard of the Breed, paper work to prove it, as well as 'look the part' themselves. They must have proper Hip and Elbow X-Rays, all gone over by Several Judges before the dogs can proceed. The dogs are tested for Temperament and there are several other tests they must pass for this at the Show, including and not limited to, Gun Shy Testing, Courage Testing (think Schutzhund). They must excel at all the Endurance Tests given. If you would like to know more about the Sieger Show, do an Internet Search...but have the time to read, see photos and enjoy! IT IS A VERY BIG DEAL JUST TO BE THERE! TO WIN! WOW!
Yucci is NOT the only Big Deal Dog in Tickuah's Pedigree. Have a look to see all the WORKING AND TITLED DOGS in his pedigree by clicking on his Name above. You will find that not only does he have High Caliber Dogs in his Pedigree, the Pedigree dates all the way back to the 1800's when the Breed Began.
We try to take photos of our pups as they are growing, in the same area or next to something familiar, to show how much they have grown, how they look in the process and to show HOW FAST the GSD grows!
Tikuah was over 4 months old when he arrived to us. So his photos start with him a bit larger, but you will get the idea of how nice this boy is....please notice the rest of his photos here on his page as well as 'sprinkled about' on the pages of this website. We are Quite Proud of this boy and his pedigree (have a look at it too).
I look at this dog and just think.....If GI Joe had a dog....
Dogs need jobs. One of Tikuah's jobs will be as a Bicycle Buddy, you can see the Springer Bicycle page for more information on what that is. Basically, he will get to run with us as we ride our bicycles....but he is trained to stay right with us. We ride our bicycles a LOT and we love to take our dogs with us for the exercise. It is so good for them. But before you do this PLEASE read our page for information on the correct way to do this. You MUST remember that your dog is running the whole time, even when you are going down hill and not pedaling.
Tikuah was trained as a Shutzhund puppies are, to chase and catch and hang onto a ball on a rope. This makes his a great candidate for a Frisbee dog.....albeit a bit hard on the frisbie.
We train each of our dogs to do a few tricks. Not only is it fun training, it is good that dogs know many different types of things. Tricks are fun for dogs and they really do like doing them to show off and or for that treat that might be offered up after.

This is a photo of Tikuah just after we picked him up. You know how in cartoons they show animals and people with big eyes when they first meet people they love? We took this as the first photo sent back to his breeder, that he arrived.

Either someone started this pup learning to Shake Hands, or he truly IS a Wonder Dog. As of his second day here, he had learned this trick well.

This translates: 'Lick my face on command'. Our dogs are NOT to lick us unless asked. Tikuah is really good about that 'no lick' rule too. But he is very loving toward us, so when asked, HE LOVES IT!

This boy loves to Play Fetch. His favorite toy to play with is a Ball. But he will Fetch about anything....I need to get the Newspaper out and teach him to go and Fetch It Up for us.
Tikuah is learning a bit about Agility. I seriously doubt we will have the opportunity to compete, but he sure has fun running on our own Equipment here!
Bar Jumps
As a pup, Jumps are kept low.
Weave Poles
For Weave Poles here we use Dowels in the Ground or Large Traffic Cones. Our dogs are not competing or racing, just having fun and continuing to learn.
Hoop Jump
Tikuah first learned to Jump Through a Hula Hoop that we hand held low, on the ground low, as a pup. Slowly we raised the Hula Hoop in our hands upward. Not only is this a fun trick for him, he is really cute doing it!
Teeter Totter
Before teaching a dog to run across a Sea Saw, it is good to teach them to the Teeter Totter...that is not only lower, it has a much lower/shorter pivot point.
Sea Saw
Since we decided to take Tikuah's Growth Photos next to the Sea Saw he needs to learn this piece well. <grins and winks>
Open Tunnel
Closed Tunnel
I was so sorry to hear that Agility Competitions rarely use this piece of Equipment any longer. THIS piece is great training for a dog that you want to train Search and Rescue to. Being sent into areas that look tight and are 'closed' as far as seeing the way through them. We will always teach it here. And. It is just a Fun and KOOOL Piece of Equipment.

Our dogs are taught to pull, some are taught to run in teams. I am hoping to one day compete in Weight Pulling never know.
This is a photo of the first day that Tikuah was in Harness and pulled an empty sled...Ice Sleigh. He did excellent! But then, he does excellent at about everything we have taught him.

Not all the training is about pulling. The dog also needs to learn to behave in Harness. To 'Sit Stay', and all the Sled Dog Commands. We teach the Sled Dog Commands while walking the pups/dogs on leashes, then they already know them when the Harness is put on.

We start our pups out just wearing a pack with newspaper inside of them. This gets the pups used to the 'feel' of the sway of the Backpack on their backs, WITH NO WEIGHT INSIDE.
People do not take their Dogs/Animals Backpacking/Camping like they used to. I do highly recommend it! However, think about this. If you are going to a Festival, or Street Dance, or even Shopping, let your dog carry your valuables in a backpack. Leave your purse at home. If your dog carries your Tablets or Phone or Laptop, be sure to wrap and pad them.
I have a whole page on this site about Backpacking with Dogs....the different types of Dog Backpacks, how to size and put them on your to pack their packs and what you might carry and much more.

Have you noticed, in the photos, that Orange Ball on Tikuah's Collar? That is a Jack O Lantrin Bell. Deron started calling Teanna his 'little punkin'. It started when we took her to MO, as a young pup, for a Bicycle Ride on the Katy Trail in October in Costumes. (you can see this story on her page)
So when I was shopping for Tikuah I kidded Deron that I was going to buy him "A Jack O Lantrin". So while it is a joke, it is a name we use for Tikuah when we talk about know how this is if you have pets, you want to mention them, but not disturb them by saying their names out loud ....
Our dogs wear Bells, some always, some just when they go with us when we ride our Bicycles so that we can hear exactly where they are as we ride. I found these Orange Bells for Tikuah and he just HAD to have them!
We also like the different sounding Bells so that at night we can tell our 'moving around' dogs apart by the sound of their tags and bells.
The second photo is a BRASS Bell with a Beautiful Sound/Song when rang. This is Tikuah's Bicycle Bell. I have never seen another one like it...and I have been buying Goat, Dogs, Llama, Horse, Pony, and Cat Bells, that is, shopping for these sorts of Bells, for many many years.
We try to add CANDID photos of our dogs on their pages. Photos that are NOT of people holding the dog in place, or having the dog 'stacked' (placed into a pose). We want others to be able to see our dogs as they really are. How they look when they are moving. How their backs and hips and heads really look as they stand in their natural position. We try to include photos and all angles of our dogs Growing, Playing, Learning, and Working.


I have GSD Calandars. I have one on the wall (each year) and one that is a Weekly Journal type. It has a different GSD photo each week. When I started 'looking' for a new male/sire, I was NOT in a hurry. I was NOT really ready to bring home another new pup. I found two I really liked. Oddly, both of the pups were Sable in color. And when I found and purchased Tikuah, that week (I had not really paid attention to the photo until it caught my eye).....I found it ironic that the weekly photo in my journal was TWO Sable Colored Male Pups! Just one of those things that make you go.....hmmmmmmmm.

This stuffed German Shepherd Dog looked so much like Tikuah (especially in the sweet face) I had to buy it!
I would like to invite you to join us on a Yahoo Group that I host called Working Big Dogs.
The contents of this page for Meet Tikuah is still under construction, and will continue to be for many years. We will be adding more about Tikuah and more photos throughout the years. Please check back.
-- The Working German Shepherd Dogs Team Wed, 17 Jan 2018 09:28:35 -0500